Photographic Mosaic Picture Gallery #3
Several more mosaic pictures. Please see also photographic mosaics which were created by the users of the Mazaika in the Mazaika Users Gallery.
Coliseum-KinoMax cinema photo mosaic
Night shot of the oldest Ekaterinburg movie theater Coliseum-KinoMax. It is 60 columns width and 60 rows height mosaic. There are 3600 different images used in this mosaic! There are no repeated tiles. Each tile was used only once.
Photo Mosaic Santa from old postcards
Santa made of Xmas and New Year postcards.
Click on thumb for a bigger picture.
The cat photo mosaic made from the fauna stamps
The cat mosaic was made from the fauna theme stamps collection.
Renoir's picture mosaic
Renoir's picture made of Windows icon collection. 1700 cell picture made from the collection of approx 2000 win icons.
Click on thumb for a bigger picture.
Van Gogh's Portrait of Armand Roulin photo mosaic
Van Gogh's picture made of Corel Photo Collection. 1200 cell picture made from the collection of approximately 7,000 photos.
Click on thumb for a bigger picture.
A dog made from beer labels
The same dog as in Gallery 1 made from beer labels. 775 (25 X 31) cell picture made from the collection of about 2000 beer labels.
Click on thumb for a bigger picture.
Elvis made from music LP album covers
This picture of Elvis 20x28 cells made from music albums covers collection. You may download this library here.
Click on thumb for a bigger picture.